2008 – European year of intercultural dialogue

European year of intercultural dialog was launched on 8th January in Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The initiative aims to promotion understanding between cultures and give opportunity to the european citizens for harmonic life in a richer and complicated cultural environment.


Today the world is a rich mosaic of languages, religions, different thinking. The topic of harmonic existence of such civilization plays an important role in intercultural dialog. 2008 was the year of European interculture dialog, European institutions, member state’s governments, different organisations and societies. They would try to attract the attention for the necessity for understanding between nations. Here you will find information about the activities in different countries in Europe to achieve the objective.Read more


See more:

European year of intercultural dialogue – website EU

European year of intercultural dialogue in Bulgaria

European year of intercultural dialogue – Europe Direct Veliko Turnovo

European year of intercultural dialogue in European Government

European year of intercultural dialogue in European Commission

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